Writer’s block is a much-talked-about condition, and it’s something that most poets can relate to. There’s nothing more frustrating than settling down to write, only to feel that the words just won’t flow.
However, there are steps you can take to kick-start the creative urge again. Here are just a few ideas.
Making the right ambiance for poetry
- Cut out all distractions. If you’re serious about knuckling down to some writing, be sure to switch off all email and social media notifications. Even better, step away from the computer completely! Move away from the mobile phone, resist the urge to flick on the TV, and allow yourself to completely focus on the task at hand.
- Create the right background noise. Some people love to listen to music while writing poetry, as it helps them to get into the right frame of mind. Others prefer to work in complete silence. Work out what’s best for you, then put it into action. If you prefer to write in quiet, a pair of earplugs might be a good option!
- Get inspired by others. Before you start writing, read a few of your favourite poems and take the time to appreciate how the poet crafted them. Likewise, you could browse a few poetry collections online, or even check out the latest releases on Goodreads. Don’t spend too long on it (as this could be seen as a form of procrastination) – see it as a quick opportunity to ignite your enthusiasm for writing again.
- Get the right scent. Smell can be a powerful motivational tool. For example, if you’re writing quite a languorous, pensive poem, a scented candle filled with lavender and frankincense will create a relaxing atmosphere. Alternatively, if you’re writing something uplifting, think about introducing a fragrance with fruity or spicy notes, to get you in the mood. Copycat Fragrances is a good place to search for inspiration.
- Set aside some ‘proper’ time. Often, writers complain how life gets in the way of their craft. There’s always something to do; whether it’s housework, meeting friends, working or picking up children from school! Set aside some sacrosanct, untouchable poetry time. Even if it’s just half an hour a day, it’ll make a big difference.
- Developing your craft. It’s not always about putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Often, poetry starts in the mind, particularly after you’ve been inspired by something. So, make sure you put yourself in inspiration’s way as much as possible! Read some books in the library, watch a film, talk to strangers on the bus; whatever works for you.
- Make the space your own. If you’ve already got a writing shed or an office, you’ll know how valuable it is to have your own writing space. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune getting an extension built for this purpose. Even designating the corner of your bedroom to writing will do. The main thing is that it feels like a comfortable, personal space to write your poetry in.
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